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Sandra Van Nest, LCSW

DSW Candidate

Sandra Van Nest is the author and producer of the website The Sensory Perspective.  Sandra has a private practice in northern New Jersey, where she provides play-based psychotherapy to children with sensory processing differences.  The Sensory Perspective gives new insight into the emotions, behavior, and perceptions of children.  


Children do not exist alone, but as part of a family, a school, a community, and so on.  Sandra strives to educate and advocate on behalf of her child clients.  When a child enters psychotherapy with Sandra, the child's family also enter psychotherapy.  This holistic model includes parent sessions and sibling involvement.  In addition, Sandra consults with school districts and other community players within the child's life.


Sandra Van Nest presents at conferences and continuing education programs for professionals seeking to learn more about Sensory Processing Theory.  As there is great power in the collaboration of interdisciplinary teams, Sandra provides mental health and behavioral trainings to school personnel, allied therapists, and community partners.

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